National Journal of Biological Sciences en-US (Dr. Neelum Zeb) (Asad Mahmood) Sun, 31 Dec 2023 03:58:25 +0000 OJS 60 SEAWEED SELECTION: EXPLORING BEST TYPE FOR BIOPLASTIC PRODUCTION <p>Extensive research has been conducted on<br>biodegradable materials due to the growing<br>worldwide concern about plastic pollution<br>and the hunt for sustainable alternatives.<br>Because of their environmentally beneficial<br>qualities, bioplastics made from seaweed<br>have become one of these alternatives' most<br>promising solutions. The unique<br>characteristics of seaweed-derived alginate<br>aid in the creation of biodegradable polymers<br>with prospective uses in a range of sectors.<br>The article looks at several types of<br>bioplastics, such as those made of cellulose,<br>polylactic acid, starch, and<br>polyhydroxyalkanoates. Even though these<br>bioplastics have made significant progress,<br>alginate-based bioplastics highlight their<br>enormous potential as a substitute for<br>conventional plastics. Their adaptable<br>qualities—such as excellent biodegradability,<br>tunable mechanical strength, flexibility,<br>environmental friendliness, and<br>renewability—make them ideal for a variety<br>of uses, including 3D printing, packaging,<br>and agricultural applications. The<br>performance and scalability of alginate-based<br>bioplastics might be further improved by the<br>current research and development in this<br>area.</p> Tanveer Majeed Copyright (c) 2024 National Journal of Biological Sciences Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Distinguishing Iron Deficiency Anemia from Anemia of Chronic Disease Using Hematological Measures <p>Anemia is a serious public health concern in<br>today’s world which is particularly affecting<br>young children, pregnant women,<br>menstruating adolescent girls and women.<br>The two most common causes of anemia are<br>iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and anemia of<br>chronic disease (ACD), often known as<br>anemia of inflammation. This study aim was<br>to assess the levels of certain hematological<br>parameters, including Hemoglobin<br>Estimation, Mean Corpuscular Volume<br>(MCV), Serum Ferritin, Serum TIBC,<br>Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate and C -<br>reactive protein to clearly differentiate<br>between iron deficiency anemia and anemia<br>of chronic disease. The study was conducted<br>in Department of Medical Lab Technology,<br>Riphah International University, Islamabad<br>from September 01, 2023 to January 01,<br>2024. A total of 109 samples with 59 of iron<br>deficiency anemia patients and 50 patients of<br>Anemia of chronic disease were assessed for<br>differentiation be these two diseases. The<br>significant level was selected with p-value<br>less than 0.05. Hemoglobin estimation,<br>TIBC, and ESR were significant in our<br>investigation as their p-values were less than<br>0.05. Hence, it concluded that Hemoglobin<br>estimation, total Iron Binding Capacity and<br>Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate were<br>Hematological parameters that distinguished<br>between Iron Deficiency Anemia and<br>Anemia of Chronic Disease.</p> Wahid Ullah Copyright (c) 2024 National Journal of Biological Sciences Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 AN OUTBREAK OF CUTANEOUS LEISHMANIASIS IN THE LOCAL POPULATION OF DIR UPPER, PAKISTAN <p>Leishmaniasis is an infectious disease caused<br>by intracellular parasitic protozoans<br>belonging to a genus of flagellate protozoa<br>called Leishmania. More than 25 species of<br>the genus Leishmania are present worldwide<br>in which several species are pathogenic to<br>humans. In many cases, cutaneous infection<br>is formed but some species cause<br>subcutaneous or deeper tissues and visceral<br>infection. Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a skin<br>disease caused by Leishmania topica. This<br>disease is transmitted by sandflies. The<br>disease is endemic along the entire Western<br>border of Pakistan. During the present<br>research, the samples were collected from<br>infected people in different areas of Dir<br>Upper. A total of 548 samples were<br>collected among which 346 (63%) were<br>positive cases. In the infected people, 297<br>(86%) were from the local population and 59<br>(14%) from Afghan refugees. A total of 235<br>(68%) males and 111(32%) females were<br>affected. The high prevalence rate (48.5%)<br>was noticed in the age of 11-20 years old<br>people. The prevalence rate between the age<br>of 0-10 was 29.1%. The low prevalence rate<br>(13.6%) was noticed in the people over 30<br>years. Mostly one lesion was noticed in<br>affected people (69%). The patients with<br>two lesions were 22%. The numbers of<br>affected persons with more than two active<br>lesions were little in number i. e. 8.3%. Most<br>of the lesions were reported on the face<br>(36.1%). The second affected part of the<br>body noticed in the study was hand (26.5%).<br>Most of the lesions were dry (81%). It is<br>concluded that a high prevalence rate was<br>observed. People’s awareness is very<br>necessary.</p> Naseer Ullah Copyright (c) 2023 National Journal of Biological Sciences Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 SUNFLOWER GROWTH AND YIELD IN RESPONSE TO COMBINED APPLICATION OF FARMYARD MANURE AND INORGANIC FERTILIZERS (NITROGEN AND PHOSPHORUS) <p>The research was conducted in 2022 in the<br>Agronomy Student's Experiment Farm at<br>Sindh Agriculture University Tando Jam. It<br>used a complete block design with<br>randomization. The main goal was to<br>evaluate how much adding different amounts<br>of FYM and nitrogen-phosphorus affected<br>the growth and seed production ability of<br>sunflowers. The research had five different<br>FYM options and nitrogen-phosphorus<br>levels. The HO-1 variety was given these<br>treatments. The assigned treatments were as<br>follows: T1 = control (no FYM, 0 kg/ha<br>nitrogen and 0 kg/ha phosphorus); T2 =<br>adding a small amount of farmyard manure<br>plus some extra nutrients in the form of<br>nitrogen at a rate of 30kg per hectare, along<br>with an additional quantity of 15 kg per<br>hectare. The best results were seen in T5 (5<br>tons of farm FYM + fertilizers, with 120 kg<br>per hectare of nitrogen and 50 kg per hectare<br>of phosphorus). This method resulted in the<br>most plants on a square meter (9.11), the<br>tallest plant growth at about 248.8 cm high;<br>T5 was closely followed with good results (a<br>lot of FYM plus 120 kg per hectare nitrogen<br>and 50 kg phosphorus). The research<br>indicates that the optimal combination for<br>enhancing sunflower growth and yield<br>includes applying 120 kg ha-1 of nitrogen, 50<br>kg ha-1 of phosphorus, and incorporating 5<br>tons of FYM</p> Asif Ali Kaleri Copyright (c) 2024 National Journal of Biological Sciences Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A MORPHOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF NEW SUID REMAINS OF GENUS PROPOTAMOCHOERUS FROM THE SIWALIK BEDS OF DISTRICT JHELUM, PUNJAB, PAKISTAN <p>Dental remains of Propotamochoerus (Mammalia, Suidae) have been recently discovered and documented in the Middle Siwalik beds near Hasnot, a region in the Punjab province of Pakistan. The Jhelum district serves as the location where the fossils in question were found. A single tooth was extracted from the individual's left second maxillary molar, and this tooth is the component that is being discussed. The suids that belonged to the genus Propotamochoerus ranged in size from very small to quite enormous. An upper second molar on the left side is the focus of the investigation that is now being carried out because it provides insightful information regarding the essential dental traits of this particular genus. A detailed morphometric analysis of the tooth shows its relevant placement in the given genus. This particular tooth that was unearthed has the potential to contribute to the existing body of knowledge concerning the species that have been documented from the Siwaliks of Pakistan.</p> Amir Nadeem Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 27 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0000