TAUSEEQ https://ojs.wumardan.edu.pk/index.php/tauseeq Women University Mardan en-US TAUSEEQ 2790-9271 Sociological themes in Saeed Ashar's fiction https://ojs.wumardan.edu.pk/index.php/tauseeq/article/view/292 <p>Rousseau, a great philosopher, writes that "Man is a social animal". In light of this quotation it is rightly said that he cannot remain detached from society. Meanwhile, literature serves as the interpreter of life, encompassing all aspects of society including social, economic, political, religious, and historical dimensions, culminating at a particular point. Saeed Ashar, hailing from Haripur district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's Hazara Division, is known as a social realist as well as a unique style bearer in Urdu fiction. He has presented exemplary instances of social realism and sketches in his stories. His stories not only depict the harsh truths and complexities of life but also portray the injustices, inequalities, discrimination, tyranny, capitalist and feudal systems' evils, the plight of the lower classes, and numerous such issues prevalent in society. He has made the living and breathing characters of society the subject of his stories and has unveiled the dark facets of society.</p> Dr. Salma Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-26 2024-08-26 5 1 Ishaq Wardag’s Nostalgia https://ojs.wumardan.edu.pk/index.php/tauseeq/article/view/293 <p>Literature is the reflection of life. The poet or writer reflects his culture and environment through his poetic creations. The resident of the city of flowers - Peshawar Ishaq Wardag, is also a renowned poet who has reflected the Pashtun's culture and society through his poetic words. In the article under study and review of the said poet, Ishaq Wardag has brought Nostalgia- the power of recollection is under consideration in his poetry. Nostalgia is a psychological term- the imaginative power which binds every soul with the events and memories of the past. A reliable central theme in Ishaq Wardag's poetry is the memories of the past. In his poetry, if on the one face he languashies and share his sorrows of being separated from friends , on the other hand, he is also sharing sobing laments over the fading civilization. He has a deep and great love for the memories of the past. Through these scattered memories, he organizes the dispersed ingridents of his life. The hues of his faded memories have decorated his odes like the natural rainbow.</p> Javeria Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-26 2024-08-26 5 1 The tragedy of death in Nayyar Masood's fiction in the context of social tragedy https://ojs.wumardan.edu.pk/index.php/tauseeq/article/view/294 <p>Nayyer Masood's fiction explores the theme of death as a social tragedy, Offering a poignant critique of the human condition in Pakistani society. Through his stories, he delves into the complexities of death, revealing its impact on individuals, families, and communities. Masood's characters' struggles with mortality symbolize larger social tragedies Including loss and longing, social injustice, and existential crises.His work echoes the collective grief and sense of loss that pervades in society, highlighting the need for social change and the search for meaning and purpose in a tumultuous society.</p> Muhammad Amjid Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-26 2024-08-26 5 1 Urdu Poetry and Politics https://ojs.wumardan.edu.pk/index.php/tauseeq/article/view/295 <p>Literature is a reflection of life and politics is a part of life. Literature covers. All aspects of life and describes every aspect. When we study modern and classical literature, the political aspect is prominently presented in it. The poets of every era saw and described the political conditions of their respective Eras from their own perspective. Keeping in view the words of all these poets, The contemporary history of the special periods of the subcontinent can be compiled. Urdu poetry presents a brief over view of the political trends from The Deccan to the establishment of Pakistan.It has reached the poets before and after the establishment of Pakistan.</p> Dr. Iltaf Hussain Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-26 2024-08-26 5 1 Editorial topics and features of prorse of Al Baloch, the first Newspaper of Balochistan https://ojs.wumardan.edu.pk/index.php/tauseeq/article/view/296 <p>Weekly Al-baloch was the first Urdu newspaper of Balochistan journalists which was published from Karachi due to press restrictions in Balochistan. Due to strict policies of the newspaper against the British government, it was closed again and again.Hence its incomplete file is availble which has been hidden for a long time. The editorials of the newspaper are important in their themes and in the beginning and development of Urdu literary prose in Balochistan. Among the universal themes of the editorials are the demand for promotion of the education and the rightful share of Balochistanisin government jobs. While local problems and matters of temporary nature have also been going on. There is also a literary colour in its prose because their structure is compatible with essay writing. In the language and narration, there are all styles of Urdu prose from early to modern prose writing</p> Dr. Kiran Daud Butt Copyright (c) 2024 2024-08-26 2024-08-26 5 1