Accentuating the thinking’s of Philosophers for the Atmosphere referencing with Quran And Sunnah in the light of “Al-Tamīz” By Al-Firharvi
This study aims to accentuate the the Atmospheric objects in the light of AlTamīz By Allama Abd Al-Aziz Al-Firhārví(1206AH-1239AH). Al-Firhārví is
considered from the few muslim scholars of Indo-Pak who were expert in the
traditional and conceptual knowledges. He has written a lot on the Philosophy
and it’s sub branches like Theology, Physics(Al-Tabiīàt), Mathematics,
Geomatry, Astrology, Medical etc. But few of these writings appeared in forms
of manuscript to the society for the forlorn of time. One of these is Al-Tamīz in
which Al-Firhārví dealt with mentioned sciences and he debated in this on the
topic of atmosphere with all its factors and issues like Air Composition, Raining,
Thunder of Clouds, Falling fire from the sky, Formation of Rainbow, Snow
falling, Existence of different weathers like summer, winter etc. Al-Firhārví did
arguments from Quran and Sunnah and formed his opinions basis on these. He
also denied the views of Philosophers that came against to the Quran and
Sunnah. So This study will elaborate the views of today’s scientists views in the
thinkings of Quran and Sunnah which will bring the peace of mind in the societ