Allama Tamanna Imadi Objections in the Attribution of “Musnad Ahmad” to Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (Critical and Research Study)


  • Dr. Saeed Ahmad


This research article studies the objections of Allama Tamanna Imadi in the
attribution of “Musnad Ahmad” to Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal and that its
narrators are unreliable. He denies the authenticity of Musnad Ahmad bin
Hanbal, which is the largest collection of hadiths of the Holy Prophet Peace and
blessing of Allah be upon him. He has raised some objections from which the
first objection is that: the attribution of “Musnad Ahmad” to Imam Ahmad bin
Hanbal is not correct because this book was presented by few conspirators as an
alternate of the Holy Quran after the death of Imam Ahmad, for keeping agreed
the followers of various sects and school of thoughts Muslim community. In
addition, Tamanna Imadi has tried to prove that all the narrators of this book are
unknown and unreliable having no sufficient value in the views of the scholars
of Ilm ur Rijaal , Hadith and its sciences. In this research paper, we had tried to
analyze critically the objections raised by Tamana Imadi in the light of the
saying of prominent Scholars, Muhaditheen and experts of Hadith and Ilm ur
Rijaal through which the actual situation of his objections has been exposed
which is, that Musnad Ahmad is the book of Imam Ahmad and his narrators are
reliable authentic.


