An Analytical Study of Scientific Exegesis Based on the Transformation of the Skin During the Torment in the Light of Scientific Exegesis of Zaghlul Al-Najjar and Sultan Bashir Mahmood


  • Muhammad Saqib


In the Holy Qur'an, Allah Almighty informed the human beings about transformation of
the skin during the torment on the Day of Judgment about 1400 years ago. Therefore,
some contemporary scholars of the Qur'an and science have scientifically interpreted
some verses related to transformation of the skin.This article analyzes the scientific
Exegesis of Dr. Zaghlool Raghib Muhammad Al-Najjar and Sultan Bashir Mahmood
transformation of the skin of the torment on the Day of Judgment.This article covers five
topics including literal explaination of The Quranic word Nadaj and Sallee in the first
section, the opinions of the majority of Exegetists )Mufassireen( regarding the related
Verse in the second, scientific exegesis of Zaghlul al-Najjar in the third, scientific
exegesis of Sultan Basheer Mahmood in the fourth, and analytical study in the fifth. In
the analytical study, Zaghlul Al-Najjar and Sultan Bashir Mahmood's collection of verses
in scientific exegesis on the subject of transformation of the skin during the torment on
the Day of Judgment, argumentation from Hadith and Commentators, differences and
similarities in the interpretations of the two scientific Commentators, the views of the
contemporary scholars of the Holy Quran & Modern Science about the subject and the
objectives mentioned in the related Verse have been anilitical analyzes in the given


