The Teachings of Syed Ali Hujwiri and Contemporary Era


  • Dr. Muhammad Tahir


There are few great peoples in the history whose contributions and achievements
are continuously alive in the heart of this great and honest peoples is
Syed Ali bin Usman Hujwiri,who start his mission of preaching of Islam’s truly
message from Lahore, when he migrate from hijwair. He wrote many useful books
on the spirituals life of Islam, but unfortunately these are lost. Although the
KASHF-UL-MAHJOB is still alive in the history and people gain lights from it.
Syed Hujwiri discuss in detail the nature of human being in his teachings,
according to him human are two type by nature one who accept the teachings
and message of Islam by its own will and other who don’t accept the message of
Islam. The second type of people oppose Islam. According to him there are very
necessary to reforms in our spirituals institutions by different aspects e.g. the
criteria of head of institutions (sofi) and his followers must be checked. The
institutions based on education and studies. Society needs to learn necessary
skills which help Sharia’s objectives. There are difference in manners and
rasms. He also explain the terminologies of Tasuwf. Tasuwf is the second name
of good and high values. Those who are high in morality actually are high in
In this article I write the main theme about the teachings of Syed Ali Hujwiri
(RA) and its importance and contemporary era


