The Qur'anic Method of Teaching and Learning and its Limitations in the Present Era


  • Dr. Sajjad Ali Raeesi


Islam has made it obligatory for every Muslim to acquire knowledge. This does
not mean obtaining a certificate or a degree, but to consider the phenomena of
nature intellectually and rationally. When is it possible to acquire knowledge by
considering the phenomena of nature? What methods are useful for this?
According to Quranic instructions it is necessary to adopt a systematic and
scientific approach to acquire knowledge. Qur'an briefly describes different
angles of acquiring knowledge. Narrative, interrogative, question, analytical,
poetic, comparative and critical methods of teaching are briefly described in the
Holy Quran. The Muslim Ummah has a firm belief that the Qur'an is a
comprehensive book which mentions every dry and wet, but this does not mean
that the Qur'an is a manual book. This means that the Qur'an contains symbols
and hints about everything. The fact that everything is mentioned in the Qur'an
means that the Qur'an only provides guidance, while its interpretation requires
contemplation. The method of contemplation can also be called the method of
teaching and learning because the purpose of both is to acquire knowledge. The
Qur'an has also provided guidance towards the method of teaching and learning.
In the context of this guidance, this article has been compiled to expose new
aspects of teaching and learning.


