Arabic Proverbs and Challenges in Translating them into English


  • Dr. Lubna Farah


Proverbs and fixed expression are the mirror which reflects people’s nature
and the resume of what they have experienced. Proverbs are part of
metaphorical language that has superficial as well as a deep sense. They are
form of speech or an expression, it can’t understand by individual meaning.
Role of culture is important in target language.
These proverbs have been written briefly in small sentences to narrate long
stories that are the main bey to understand human culture and social reality.
Therefore, translating proverbs are more difficult for the translator, who are
not familiar with them. The variations in cultures make translation process
real challenge.
Every proverb there are links and characters associated with it, where the
translator had to look for the synonym identical to proverb similar in
meaning and composition


