The Paradox in the Arab and Western Experience


  • Dr. Salma Shahid


The paradox in the language means to differ between two or more things, its
meaning differs from one dictionary to the other even though it is closely
related. It has its nouns, verbs etc. The paradox idiomatically has been studied
by many scholars, authors, literary and elequent people as well as researcher.
The meaning of paradox idiomatically had differed from a scholar to the other, a
writer had discussed its meaning in a simple way while others discussed it
thoroughly, on the other hand some contented by defining it, others studied its
relations, its origins etc. Some writers searched in its relations with poems, some
expressed its basis. These studies took place by Arabs. While, the Western
people as well studied the paradox and searched about it. Many authors, literary
people and scholars as well spent days and nights in studying this word. Like the
Arabs, the meaning of paradox was different for every researcher, scholar or
writer etc. Some discussed it throughly, other simply while some expressed its
relation and types and so on. The paradox presents without bias two equivalent
and opposing viewpoints. The paradox had then a definition after so many
studies took place by different scholars, different writers, literary people and
researchers either they were Arabs or Western. The paradox had its relations
with poems, art, emotions as well as brain. The paradox affects both the heart
and the brain if had been used wisely as if it used so much it will impart a
boring, heavy taste to the writing while if it had been used wisely it then will
affect both the brain and heart and imparts a good and light taste to the scene.
The pradox had been known since ages and it affects the literature either it is a
poem or a prose.


