Explaining the Minutes of Philosophy and Revealing its Symbols with the Arguments of Conclusive Legitimacy in the Light of AlTamez by Allama Abdulaziz


  • Hafiz Ahmad Saeed Rana


This article aims to explore the philosophical approach and the methods used by
‘Abdul-‘Azīz Firharvi in his valuable manuscript Al-tamyīz, which dealt with the
philosophers and scholars differences about the interpretation of philosophy
from Quran and Sunnah.‘Abdul-‘Azīz Firharvi was the famous Muslim scholar
of British India in all over the world.He was adept in all Islamic sciences, but he
is regarded as one of the greatest ever Mutakalim born in the land of Indo-Pak.
He has written more valuable works on Ilm Al-Kla’m and Al-Tami’z is the part
of his aims.This manuscript is infact the middle ground between the fanatical
scholars and the philosophers who have the correct ideas, That is: philosophy
should not be rejected outright because of prejudice, nor should any
philosophical thought be adopted without weighing the criteria of thinking and
the Qur'an and Sunnah.Allama Farharvi has adopted the same style in terms of
occasion and place and has used Qur'anic and rational reasoning. This article is a
link between philosophy and Islamic thought, which will not only eliminate
violence from society, but will also pave the way for new scholars to examine
philosophy and Islamic thought in a new perspective.


