The Poetic Citations contained in Tafsir Al-Qurtubi and its Rhetorical Advantages


  • Dr. Mahmood Ahmad Mufti


In order to perceive the meanings and importance of the words of Allah, the
Muslim scholars have done their very best to keep and understand the rich and
poetic classical Arabic language in both of its forms; prose and poetry fully
taking care of its original state and good condition. Classic Arabic is more
important as it plays its role as a store of linguistic tools for understanding the
Holy Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (S A W) Abu Abdullah Al-Qurtabi
(d.671) a famous commentator of the Holy Quran quoted on many occasions
from Arab poets in his tafsir work “Al- Jame Le-Ahkam-e-Quran” to explain the
meaning of certain words and phrases used in the Holy Quran. This article
discusses and explains the rhetorical beauties of some of those verses along with
their linguistic analysis and treatment explanation.

