An Analytical Study of Muslim Jurists’ Opinion Regarding Sunnah


  • Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Khan


Islam is such a comprehensive, all-inclusive and basically a socialist
religion, which has declared, it as an obligatory to achieve what the society
needs and the factors which can be a barrier to social development, are
forbidden and affixed as Haram (illegal) by Islam. In this regard after Holy
Quran, Sunnah is the key to solve the problems of Muslim Ummah, which
opens the door for humanity to look on that how can the obligations and
prohibitions occurring in each age and time can be resolved. As for as, the
analytical work of Sunnah literature is concerned it is a very high
contribution in the field of Hadith and in this article titled “An analytical
study of Muslim Jurist’s opinion regarding Sunnah”, it has been reviewed on
that how the Sunnah has ever been a valuable and perpetual attraction from
the beginning in Islamic law, due to different aspects. The term Sunnah,
which is denoted as المسلوکہ الطریقہ) a fixed way) applied by the prophet as a
legal term what HEصلى الله عليه وسلمsaid, did, and agreed to. It is however used to donate
any of the above correlated meanings irrespective of whether the way of life
custom and conduct are merely acceptable, commendable or detestable and
unacceptable ones. Exemplifying the polarizing usage the prophetic
tradition, reads: “whoever initiates (or revives) a meritorious Sunnah, within
the frame work of Islam shall in addition to reward of intimating that
particular Sunnah be endowed with the reward those who would follow his
example until the day of resurrection without this diminishing in least from
their sins.”In spite of the fact that the term Sunnah is technically used to
contribute both good and bad conducts, it is commonly used in the context
of good and acceptable way. However, in this study it has also been focused
on the road map and guidelines for the Muslim community as a whole and
for Jurists as a very essential.


