Ways of Establishing Religious Pluralism in Contemporary Age: An Analytical Study of Abrahamic Religions


  • Fida Ur Rehman


Human being is endowed with intellect. The standard and domain of intellectual exposure
are different and diverse. Consequently, it gives birth to diversity in opinions and
perspective that eventually results in mutual disagreement. A deep assessment of the
human life indicates the fact that diversity exist in almost all aspects of human life. The
diversity of opinions, perspectives and narratives can be found with reference to culture
and civilization, economy, entrepreneurship, modern scientific disciplines, politics and
religion. The diversity is an indication of the evolution in human intellect. When the
diversity is misunderstood as a negative connotation then it turns into conflict that results
into incalculable and disastrous impacts on society. Pluralism plays a pivotal role in the
evolution of diverse human society and multicultural civilization and a pluralistic society
can tread the phases of socio-cultural development more conveniently and productively.
If a society becomes an arena of religious intolerance, hatred and biasness then the fate of
society becomes uncertain and bleak. It is need of the day to create awareness and pursue
research studies regarding pluralism while keeping in view the golden traditions of
Abrahamic religions. The present paper is an attempt to explore the fundamental
principles that deal with religious tolerance and pluralism in Abrahamic religions. This
paper will help to create awareness about the need and importance of tolerance and
pluralism and will suggest recommendations for implementation of those principles both
at state and society levels so that the culture of tolerance, pluralism, mutual
understanding and human dignity are promoted in wider interest of a unified and peaceful


