Evolution of Rishi chain of mysticism in Kashmir: An Analytical Study
Islam does not allow monasticism and the Turkish world. Then why even
in the Islamic era, despite being Muslims, the Rishis continue to adopt
the same methods of seeking truth? The reason is that according to the
belief of Kashmiri Brahmins in general and Buddhism. Suicide has been
considered a prerequisite for spiritual attainment. In addition, since the
time of Shaikh-ul-Alam, the effects of Buddhist philosophy have been
forgotten here for nine hundred years, apart from the Brahmins, and
many of their beliefs. Rich had settled in the collective unconscious of
۔ Kashmiris
In this legacy, non-violence, suicide, public welfare, brotherhood,
tolerance were such practical beliefs that all Kashmiri Buddhists fell in
love with them. Shaikh-ul-Alam took up the cause of reformation of
racism in Kashmir and along with solitude began to promote Islamic
teachings which resulted in people giving up monasticism and started
living according to Islamic teachings. He used the Kashmiri language,
which was the mother tongue of the people, to spread the message far
and wide. His speech is still read and written in Kashmir today and it has
been interpreted in different languages. His speech is called the first
theology of Kashmiri language.