A comprehensive and comparative examination of the four jurisprudential schools of thought associated with the Code of Laan (In the light of al-Fiqh Alal Madhahab AlArba Al-Jaziri)


  • Naseem Hayat


Islam assures the rights and protection of all humans. That's why it guides us to forbid all those acts that could harm others. The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon, has declared it against Islam to damage anyone. "The true Muslim is he
from whose tongue and hands others are safe." Allah the almighty has not only
ordered to keep protected the respect and dignity of others but has introduced
laws to punish the malpractices. The punishments are based on the level of
commitment, as ordered. Don't do backbiting or don't describe shortcomings of
others, don't call names and don't give nicknames, "don't be jealous of one
another, "don't keep enmity to one another," even have forbidden from actions
that create confusion and misconceptions. The Prophet said, peace be upon him,
"Don't make perceptions as mostly perceptions lie." On this basis, Islam has
introduced cases where a person blames somebody for adultery, and then they
must provide four witnesses. Otherwise, he has to punish 80 whips for making a
false accusation.
Similarly, if somebody blames their spouse, they must swear five times for their
justification. As Islam purely believes in protecting rights in a family system,
keeping the rights of spouses, it's essential to protect the rights of marriages and
families too. A person who commits such swears has to separate from their
spouse and is called "Li'aan," a person who curses themselves or has sworn
allegations of adultery committed by one's spouse





