Muslim world and modern political asylum law, a study
If someone in your country is persecuting you because your religion, creed,
political group, race or nation is disliked by another group If someone in your
country is following you because your religion, creed, political group, race or
nation is something that any other group dislikes. Or you may have political
asylum if you have ideas that could lead to persecution. The whole world
especially Muslims are facing now a huge conflict and forced migrants due to
their government policies. The conflict between government policies and
nationals are being grow day by day. Therefore, Asylum and “refuge-seeking”
are two important themes in International and Islamic history and Law. Often,
Islamic theory and teachings relating to refugees and forced displacement are
known as Hijrat/Migration law. It is quite different from modern refugee law. It
arguably gives more protection to asylum-seekers and refugees (mustaminun).
However, Hijrat law is rarely referred to or invoked today. If they were taken
into consideration, it could contribute greatly to the protection of the forcibly
displaced. It might also reduce the numerous problems refugees all over the
globe are facing. This paper discusses the basic laws and configuration of
migrants and their political asylum and rules of different Muslims