Guidelines for Authors

Authors submitting to the National Journal of Biological Sciences (NJBS) must adhere to strict ethical guidelines. Failure to comply may result in penalties, including suspension of publishing privileges. Here's a simplified version of these guidelines:

  1. Declaration:

    • Authors must declare that their manuscript is original and not under consideration elsewhere.
    • Co-authors must confirm their substantial contributions.
    • The corresponding author ensures all contributors are acknowledged.
  2. Reporting Standards:

    • Provide detailed research reports and data sources for reproducibility.
    • Avoid fraudulent or inaccurate statements.
  3. Authorship Credit:

    • Credit should only be given to those who contributed significantly.
    • Co-authors must approve the final manuscript.
  4. Originality and Plagiarism:

    • Submit entirely original work with proper citations.
    • Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable.
    • Similarity index above 19% may lead to rejection.
  5. Multiple, Redundant, and Concurrent Publication:

    • Submitting the same research to multiple journals is unethical.
    • Republishing requires substantial alterations or additions.
  6. Acknowledgment of Sources:

    • Properly acknowledge all sources, including funding and technical assistance.
  7. Privacy of Participants:

    • Respect participant privacy and obtain informed consent.
    • Only share relevant information with consent.
  8. Data Access and Retention:

    • Provide raw data if questioned during review.
  9. Manuscript Acceptance and Rejection:

    • Review process may take 1-2 months.
    • Authors can inquire about their manuscript's status.
    • Rejection allows authors to submit elsewhere.
    • Revisions must be clearly described and verified.
  10. Copyright Policy:

    • Published articles are open access under Creative Commons license.
    • Authors retain publication rights and must agree to fair use terms.