Women Participation in Muslim Countries in terms of Empowerment and Constraints: An Analytical Study
Islam promotes good health and fitness and encourages both men and women to engage in physical activity to maintain healthy lifestyles. Sports and recreation that bring relief to the body and soul are not only permissible in Islam but also desirable for all, without any kind of gender discrimination. However, Islam limits how sport can be practiced, such as Muslim women are not permitted to participate in mixed-gender sports. Numerous Muslim women have been barred from or have felt unfit to participate in sports due to religious misinterpretations or just a lack of awareness about the legal status of women's participation in sports. This research paper references the Holy Qur'an and Hadith as evidence for the importance of exercise and fitness for all including women. A historical overview shows that women's participation in sports has evolved differently in various regions and countries. There is a lot of literature concerning female participation in sports for leisure, but there is little material concerning Muslim women's participation in sports. Sport is, generally, considered a man-oriented and man-dominated activity in Muslim countries. The purpose of this research is to describe the various facets of the situation. For a long time, Muslim Female athletes have been unable to compete at the national and international levels due to a variety of socio-cultural, religious, economic, physical, and psychological barriers. But as of recent studies, Muslim women have achieved outstanding results at the national and international level despite limitations and constraints. This study will examine the engagement, constraints, and perceived limits of women of Muslim countries in physical activities. Additionally, the paper will explore the sports performance of Muslim women as well as analyze initiatives of Muslim countries aimed at encouraging women to engage in sports. In the end, recommendations will be given to improve the scenario of female participation in sports in accordance with Shariah.